Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Technological Innovation

In my opinion Google Docs was a technological innovation our district has chosen as a staff development choice for librarians. The attributes of this tool seemed hard when explained however, when we actually went through the pace of accessing the different resources available through Google Docs a lot of librarians were truly amazed. We've implemented the use of Google Docs on our campus for both students and teachers.
  • Relative advantage: Google Docs utilizes a simple folder and file organization system that can be access from any computer with Internet accessibility; multiple users can make edits to the same file-online collaboration
  • Compatibility: Google docs was compatible with our campus belief of using technology whenever possible, after a brief run through with our teachers most are using this tool within their classes
  • Complexity: No complexity issues
  • Triability: There is no trial period as long as the user has an email account they may access Google docs
  • Observability: In the beginning most teachers sat back and observe the different resources available through Google docs and they practiced a couple of things before they felt comfortable using for themselves. We've used Google docs to create presentations for the library such as our library orientation, research skills, using the onlice catalog, creating surveys etc.....

Google Docs rocks!!!!!!


  1. Yes it does! We are currently undergoing a program review at our campus and we were going to use google docs to work on the document. A few professors didn't understand how to use it and now we are working on a shared drive that can only be access one person at a time and I still haven't gotten my computer to access it from home! Google docs would have been much easier!

  2. Nice response! I admire your district for being "progressive" and utilizing Google docs. A few in our district use it but it is certainly not the "norm"--unfortunately! It's amazing to me how much Google docs can accomplish. Gotta love those self grading quizzes!

  3. Your blog post above and the comments from Dr.W and Sandy Horne encourage me to use Google docs.
    Thanks for the inspiration!
