Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Professional Development

In order to plan a successful professional development there must be input from the staff. I'd start with a survey covering technology use in the classroom. I'm all about building relationship with those that I work with. When you have a trusting relationship people don't mind attempting things out of their comfort zone such as using technology in their classroom. I'd facilitate these sessions from a selling/coaching approach from a situational leadership perspective. This approach emphasize high task and relationship focus. The leader defines roles and tasks, but seeks ideas and suggestions from the followers. However, decisions remain the leader's prerogative with communication being two-way. My goal would be to give direction and supervision in the implementation of technology in the classroom, this is more or less a collaborative effort on everyone's part. For those who are not comfortable with technology I'd give more time and individual support from a member of the campus technology team. I'd also involve the staff in decision making which would garner their commitment to task. The ultimate goal is to ensure that the sessions include the following components:built-in evaluation, continuous funding, adequate resources, administrative support, technical assistance and support, time, active participation of teachers, curriculum specific applications, variety of learning experiences, hands-on technology activities, and connects to student learning.

First session: cover research finding on technology integration in the classroom; show examples of technology use in the core subjects; brainstorms ways to implement technology in classrooms

Second session: each department set goals and objectives for technology integration; schedule a time for technology training from campus technology team

Third session: department technology focus walks; technology evaluation etc.....

In a collaborative effort I along with the campus will do the following:
  • determine goals
  • decide on a method/activity/resources to use
  • target date
  • date completed
  • outcomes/revisions

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