Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Evaluation Models

"Evaluation is part and parcel of educating – yet it can be experienced as a burden and an unnecessary intrusion."

Evaluation is the systematic exploration and judgement of working processes, experiences and outcomes. It pays special attention to aims, values, perceptions, needs and resources.

I located good evaluation informtion at the following web address: http://www.socialresearchmethods.net/kb/intreval.htm

Participant-oriented approach: This model stresses the firsthand experiences with program activitis and highlight the importance of the participants in the process. Another important aspect of this model is that it centers on enlisting the cooperation of the least powerful stakeholders in the evaluation from start to finish.

I would use the participant-oriented approach when conducting training with teachers over how to utilize video streaming in their classes. Some teachers will need individualize training in order to feel comfortable utilizing video streaming in their classes. This will be determined on the point of need for the teacher.

Objectives-oriented approach: This evaluation approach focus on specific goals and objectives of a given program. The goal is to the determine the extent to which the goals and objectives have been attained.

I would use the objectives-oriented approach when working with students on research skills. Research skills must be built upon starting at the beginning of school and concluding when students complete their research paper.

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