Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Electronic Performance Support Systems

Definition 1--An Electronic Performance Support System is, according to Barry Raybould, "a computer-based system that improves worker productivity by providing on-the-job access to integrated information, advice, and learning experiences."

Definition 2--Gloria Gery defines it as "an integrated electronic environment that is available to and easily accessible by each employee and is structured to provide immediate, individualized on-line access to the full range of information, software, guidance, advice and assistance, data, images, tools, and assessment and monitoring systems to permit job performance with minimal support and intervention by others."

Definition 3--Electronic Performance Support System - (EPSS) A system that provides electronic task guidance and support to the user at the moment of need. EPSS can provide application help, reference information, guided instructions and/or tutorials, subject matter expert advice and hints on how to perform a task more efficiently. An EPSS can combine various technologies to present the desired information. The information can be in the form of text, graphical displays, sound, and video presentations.

Definition 4--An electronic performance support system (EPSS) may also be known as electronic performance support, automated job aids, electronic performance support tools, electronic coaches, intelligent online help, performance centered design, embedded support, or enriched learning environments.

I prefer definition 3 for electronic performance support system. This definition reminds me of the features available when utilizing a database or our online catalog. In my opinion EPSS have not been widely used because of the lack of knowledge, implementation expense, and overall change. I'd like to think that in education we can see the need and have an appreciation for support systems. Therefore, I could see EPSS being used more in the education arena than any other area.

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