Chapter 26 lists several websites for professional organizations and websites for professional publications. Visit 2-3 websites for professional organizations and 2-3 websites for the professional publications and address the following:
Professional organizations:
Association for Educational Communications and Technology;
-Mission: The mission of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology is to provide international leadership by promoting scholarship and best practices in the creation, use, and management of technologies for effective teaching and learning in a wide range of settings
-Cost of membership:
Corporate Membership--$400.00
New Regular Membership--$125.00
New Regular Membership (includes ETR&D)--$170.00
New Regular Membership (international)--$125.00
New Regular Membership (international, includes ETR&D)--$170.00
New Retired Membership--$60.00
New Retired Membership (international)--$60.00
New Student Membership--$75.00
New Student Membership (international)--$75.00
Institution Membership--$240.00-$810.00
-Publications: Educational technology research and development;Tech Trends-linking research and practice to improve learning; Instructional Science; Learning and Instructional Technologies for the 21st Century; Information Power: Building Partnerships for Learning; Educational Technology: A definition with Commentary; Distance Education: Definition and Glossary of terms; Emerging Perspectives on Learning, Teaching and Technology; Quarterly Review of Distance Education
-Conferences and meetings:
2011 AECT International Convention 'Celebrate 3.0: Design.Learn.Community' November 8-12, 2011 Hyatt Regency Jacksonville RiverfrontJacksonville, Florida
Opportunities for professional development
Professional Organizations:
American Educational Research Association;
-Mission: The American Educational Research Association (AERA), a national research society, strives to advance knowledge about education, to encourage scholarly inquiry related to education, and to promote the use of research to improve education and serve the public good.
-Cost of membership:
-Publications: Review of Research in Education,Volume 34 What Counts as Evidence in Educational Settings? Rethinking Equity, Diversity and Reform in the 21st Century; Research Points - AERA's quarterly series connects research to education policy; The Test Standards - Information About the Revision of Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing
-Conferences and meetings:
2011 Annual Meeting-New Orleans, Louisiana
Friday, April 8-Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Opportunities for professional development
Professional publications:
-Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia (JEMH)-
-Focus/Goals of the journal: JEMH is designed to provide a multi-disciplinary forum to present and discuss research, development and applications of multimedia and hypermedia in education.
The main goal of the Journal is to contribute to the advancement of the theory and practice of learning and teaching using these powerful and promising technological tools that allow the integration of images, sound, text, and data.
-Submission guidelines:
Accepted Submission File Formats - All submissions must be sent in electronic form using the Article Submission Form. No hard copy submission papers will be accepted. Do NOT submit compressed files. Do not use any word processing options/tools, such as--strike through, hidden text, comments, merges, and so forth. Submit your manuscript in either of the following formats:
· DOC- Microsoft Word (preferred)
· RTF - Rich Text Format
Manuscripts should be double-spaced and a font size of 12 is preferred.
Length - In general, articles should not exceed 30 double-spaced pages. Long articles, or articles containing complex material should be broken up by short, meaningful subheads.
Title sheet - Do NOT include a title sheet. Manuscripts are blind reviewed so there should be no indication of the author(s) name on the pages.
Abstract - An informative, comprehensive abstract of 75 to 200 words must accompany the manuscript. This abstract should succinctly summarize the major points of the paper, and the author's summary and/or conclusions.
-Is this a peer reviewed journal? Yes
-Is the journal online? No
Professional publications:
Journal of Technology and Teacher Education (JTATE);
-Focus/Goals of the journal: JTATE serves as a forum for the exchange of knowledge about the use of information technology in teacher education. Journal content covers pre-service and in-service teacher education, graduate programs in areas such as curriculum and instruction, educational administration, staff development instructional technology, and educational computing.
-Submission guidelines: Accepted Submission File Formats - All submissions must be sent in electronic form using the Article Submission Form. No hard copy submission papers will be accepted. Do NOT submit compressed files. Do not use any word processing options/tools, such as--strike through, hidden text, comments, merges, and so forth. Submit your manuscript in either of the following formats:
· DOC- Microsoft Word (preferred)
· RTF - Rich Text Format
Manuscripts should be double-spaced and a font size of 12 is preferred.
Length - In general, articles should not exceed 30 double-spaced pages. Long articles, or articles containing complex material should be broken up by short, meaningful subheads.
Title sheet - Do NOT include a title sheet. Manuscripts are blind reviewed so there should be no indication of the author(s) name on the pages.
Abstract - An informative, comprehensive abstract of 75 to 200 words must accompany the manuscript. This abstract should succinctly summarize the major points of the paper, and the author's summary and/or conclusions.
-Is this a peer reviewed journal? Yes
Is the journal online? No
-How is the journal and organization useful to you and your career? The journal and organization can be useful in providing current information about what’s going on along with other resources available on their sites. Were you aware of the organizations/journals that you researched? No, I wasn’t aware of these specific organizations/journals, but as a librarian I was aware that there are organizations and journals available for educators along with job listings.
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